Premature Ejaculation Symptoms and Causes

Premature ejaculation is the worst nightmare of any man. It is the most embarrassing and painful situation that a man can face. Premature ejaculation is the main problem in relationships between couples and it is necessary to find out the cause and take remedial action. Premature ejaculation has very negative repercussions on a man's ego and self-confidence and is very common in men and boys as compared to girls and women.

Premature ejaculation is generally defined as 'ejaculating before you or your partner would wish it to'. There are several causes for premature ejaculation, which include chronic stress, low testosterone, diabetes, sexually transmitted diseases (such as bacterial vaginosis or genital herpes simplex) and anxiety. Premature ejaculation can also be acquired by men from their mother with whom they have been sexually active throughout their childhood. Moreover, stress can also cause premature ejaculation in men. Click here for more details about 美國黑金

There are two main factors that lead to premature ejaculation: anxiety and erectile dysfunction. The primary motive behind ejaculating prematurely is that the anxiety makes you lose control over yourself. The situation becomes unbearable for you feel unable to control yourself. This may be caused by psychological problems such as stress, anxiety, unresolved issues or unresolved conflicts. Moreover, physical factors such as insufficient blood supply to the reproductive organs or inadequate hormonal support can also result in premature ejaculation in men. Physical reasons include the inability to contract the muscles controlling ejaculation during early puberty, poor muscle tone or the pulling sensation that a man feels at the head of the penis that signals ejaculatory spasms.

There are several options available for treatment for this condition, which includes medication, therapy, self-help techniques, self-help programs and the most commonly used option - SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors). The serotonin is a brain chemical that regulates emotions, moods and feelings and also has an important role in regulating sexual responses. As a result of the deficiency of this chemical in the brain, there are higher chances of experiencing premature ejaculation as the levels of it starts decreasing.

SSRIs are known to produce numerous positive effects on the body and have been used to treat sexual dysfunction for decades. Taking these medications usually take a few weeks to a few months before their effects start to show. Although they work very well, SSRIs are known to cause some side effects such as dizziness, nausea, upset stomach, constipation and diarrhea. In addition, they are not recommended for obese people or for those who suffer from blood thinning problems as they can lower the blood pressure.

If premature ejaculation is caused by physical dysfunction of the body like spinal cord injury, tumor, infections, erection problem or erectile dysfunction, then this condition can be treated with psychological therapy. This is the most common reason for PE and it affects about 15% of men who suffer from it. A very disturbing aspect of PE is that it happens at an early age when the young boys don't have the capability of controlling their impulses. They are unable to understand why they are unable to ejaculate when they wish to do so and this can create a lot of distress to them. Thus, this condition is quite embarrassing and causes much distress to the sufferer which can lead to lower sexual satisfaction.


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