How to Build Your Own AR9 Pistol From a Simple AR9 Pistol Kit

To complete your own 9mm pistol build, first you will have to buy a billet AR9 lower. Fabricating the lower using standard tools can be easily done using one of AR980% jigs, that contain all the required parts. This is the first part of your build. The lower needs to be drilled and sanded until it is in good shape. This jig contains a sliding plate for support, the billet and the screws that make the whole lower structure.

The second part is the installation of the billet lower into the frame. It can either be done by hand, or with the help of an assisted tool. I prefer to do it with the assisted tool because it is easier and faster than doing it by hand. With the billet, screws, and the jambs already installed into the AR9 pistol kit, it is now time to install the front sight and the rear sight on the pistol.

After installing the sights, it is now time to put the whole thing together with the front sight and the rear sight. Using the instruction manual, mark the spot where the sights will go. Use the drill bit to tap the spot for the screws to fit into. Tighten the screws evenly to make sure they are all properly adjusted for your particular gun.

The last step is to test fit the next pieces. Slide each piece in place until they are all properly aligned. If some move, check for them and tap them lightly with your thumb. If they are all in place, it is now time to assemble the gun. Follow the instructions that come along with the assembler to assemble the gun.

Now that you have put the gun together, it is time to take it out to play. Place resemble in its target sight in on the target to get used to how it shoots. It will only take you a few minutes to assemble the pistol before you can fire a shot.

As long as you assemble the pistol correctly, there should be no problems. You may need to practice with it a couple of times before you get the feel of it. Once you do, the only other thing you need to do is pick up the unloaded gun from the box. The pistol should be in perfect condition. You can't do any of this if the gun is not functioning properly.


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