Refractive Surgery - What To Expect After LASIK


Refractive eye surgery, also known as LASIK, is non-invasive eye surgery that is used to increase the refractive quality of a patient's vision and reduce or remove dependency on glasses, contact lenses or artificial lenses. This could involve a variety of techniques of cosmetic surgical reshaping of the corneal surface, lens implantation into a second eye, or lens replacement. All of these are possible depending on the type of refractive error the patient has, his age, the overall health of his eyes, and the underlying vision issues he may have.

The most common refractive errors include hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism (prescribing, nearsightedness) and presciption (cross-eyedness). The most important thing to remember when having refractive surgery done is to be completely honest with your doctor about all other medical conditions you might have. Some patients who have had cataracts removed for example, will need to use protective lenses while they are recovering from their operation. This could mean that they are unable to go back to work until they are completely healthy again.

LASIK eye care specialists can be consulted by patients who feel uncomfortable about talking about their condition with anyone else in the office. Patients who are in this kind of situation should never be afraid to discuss the benefits and disadvantages of having the surgery performed so that the patient will know the options available to them. Once a qualified eye care specialist is consulted, patients should also make an appointment for follow-up visits to monitor the results and to be sure that there are no complications from the surgery.

The most common side effects of LASIK are dry eyes, bruising and sensitivity to light. It is important to let the eye care specialist know if any of these problems occur and to explain how they affect your daily activities. The most common side effect that is most commonly reported by patients after having their LASIK procedure performed is dry eyes. This is usually temporary, but patients should report this concern because it can cause a lot of discomfort.

Most patients experience post operative dry eyes because their eye surgeons need to prepare the corneal surface for the surgery before the procedure to avoid damage during the procedure. This is usually performed by using a special eye cleaning solution and a disposable lens. In most cases the dry eyes is not permanent and most patients have no long term problems with it. The most common reasons why patients experience dry eyes after having LASIK surgery are that the doctors may not have been able to dry the corneal surface adequately and they may not have used a high enough concentration of aqueous ointment on the area, but the majority of patients do not require further treatments for dry eyes.Chick here for more details about chirurgia refrattiva

Patients who have LASIK surgery often report that they are glad that they took the time to do some research on their health before deciding on this procedure because they are more likely to get good eye care in the future if they take the time to understand what to expect when they are looking at a refractive surgery. Most insurance companies will cover the costs of the surgery, but there are patients who do not have insurance coverage, so they should check with their primary care physician about the best options that they have available to them.


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